
Latest Updates

AGM and Proposed Delisting

Goodbody Health Limited (“Goodbody Health”, or the “Company”) AGM and Proposed Delisting Goodbody Health (AQSE: GDBY) is pleased to announce that it will have its

Goodbody Health Launches Mobile Phlebotomy Service

  GoodbodyHealth Limited(“Goodbody Health”, or the “Company”) Goodbody Health launches mobile phlebotomy service   Goodbody Health (AQSE: GDBY) is pleased to announce the expansion of

Goodbody Health announces partnership with Thriva

Goodbody Health Limited (“Goodbody Health”, or the “Company”) Phlebotomy Services Trial Goodbody Health (AQSE: GDBY) is pleased to announce that it continues to make significant

Goodbody Health Update on Phlebotomy Services

Goodbody Health Limited (“Goodbody Health”, or the “Company”) Progress Update: Phlebotomy Services   Goodbody Health (AQSE: GDBY) is pleased to announce that it has made

Goodbody Health Board Updates

Goodbody Health Limited(“Goodbody Health”, or the “Company”) Goodbody Health Board Updates   Goodbody Health (AQSE: GDBY) announces the following Board updates. Geremy Thomas will be

Goodbody Health Board Changes

Goodbody Health Limited (“Goodbody Health”, or the “Company”) Board Changes Goodbody Health (AQSE: GDBY) announces that Marc Howells has resigned from the Board as Chief

Agreement with Allied Pharmacies Adds 17 Clinics

Goodbody Health Limited. (“Goodbody” or “Goodbody Health” the “Company” or the “Group”) 19th October 2022 Agreement with Allied Pharmacies Adds 17 Clinics Goodbody Health (AQSE: